A Research on Local Self-Government in Hebei Province during the Ten Years before Anti-Japan War ( 1928-1937); 抗战前十年河北省地方自治问题研究(1928-1937)
Local self-government in the late Qing Dynasty, a comparison of autonomy between Shanghai and Tianjin& from the perspective of urban management institutions instruction 上海与天津清末地方自治的比较&从城市管理机构建立角度
With the autonomy of local self-government bodies, mainly the following: one to develop autonomy and special regulations; 民族自治地方自治机关的自主权主要有以下几项:1、制定自治条例和单行条例;
Law on Changes and Amendments to the Law on Bases of Local Self-government 改变和修正地方自治基础法的法律
Institute local self-government, throw out corrupt officials and establish clean government. 实行地方自治,铲除贪官污吏,建立廉洁政府。
The Study on the Local Self-Government Legislation at the End of Qing Dynasty and the Early Republic of China ( 1908~ 1936) 清末民初地方自治法研究(1908~1936)
Local Self-government and National Autonomy under the Feudatory System 藩属制度下的地方自治与民族自治
The main reason of this character is that it is the local self-government groups that lead rural construction. 地方自治派领导乡村建设,是形成这一特点的主要原因。
This interlacing of local self-government with federal self-government is quite a modern conception. 地方自治与联邦自治之间的这种交叉关系是一个崭新的概念。
Local self-government is explicitly stipulated in the "October 10th Agreement", and Dr. Sun Yat-sen long ago advocated the popular election of provincial governors; Why does the Kuomintang government still insist on dispatching local officials? 地方自治,《双十协定》上已有明文规定,孙中山先生早主省长民选,为什么还要政府派遣官吏呢?
Local self-government and national autonomy are the basic features of the feudatory system. 地方自治与民族自治是藩属制度的基本特征之一。
In addition, Ukraine will embark on a process of constitutional reform designed to foster regional autonomy, local self-government and the protection of minority rights. 此外,乌克兰还将启动宪法改革进程,以加强区域自治、地方自我管理和对少数民族权利的保护。
Republic of China Time in the 20s Henan s Local Self-government ( 1919-1930); 民国时期二十年代河南的地方自治(1919&1930)
With respect to "local government", it provided that" the province shall be the highest unit of local self-government"; 关于地方制度,规定“确定省为地方自治之最高单位”;
The second part, About the leading thoughts of local self-government lawmaking system. 第二部分,南京国民政府地方自治立法制度设计的指导思想。南京国民政府在进行地方自治立法制度设计时,总要有一定的地方自治思想为依据。
A Comparative Study on Western Local Self-government and China's Villagers 'Self-government 西方国家地方自治与中国村民自治比较与启示
The idea and model of local self-government have influenced other Euramerican nations and Japan. 英国的地方自治精神和模式深深地影响了欧美国家,并成为欧美和东方国家如日本仿效的、基本的地方政治制度。
The local self-government thought and the federal system thought influence has provided the mental preparation for it; 地方自治思想与联邦制思想的影响为其提供了思想准备;
From the perspective of law tradition that can protect the subjective rights, this thesis deals with the autonomy of local society in medieval England, specifically analyzes the self-government morphology and the operation of local society, and introduces the influence and significance of local self-government. 本文从有利于保护主体权利的法律传统角度出发,探讨了中世纪英国地方社会的自治问题,具体地分析了自治的形态与地方社会的运作,最后介绍了地方自治的意义与影响。
Local self-government in Russia led by legislative norms approach to building up. 俄罗斯的地方自治是以立法主导的规范方式建立起来的。
Residents in the form of local self-government also has a diversity and creativity. 居民参与地方自治的形式也具有多样性和创造性。
The overall assessment of British local self-government is that it promotes economic and social development, and further meets the needs of citizens. 本文对英国地方自治的总体评价是,它促进了经济与社会的发展,并进一步满足了公民需求。
Are Local self-government and the West same? 他与西方的地方自治到底是不是一样?
Theory having introduced the Western countries local self-government system sort, being hit by actual case managed by villages and towns ego combining with USA and Japan local self-government system, can to a few concrete system transplanting compose introduce that. 介绍了西方国家地方自治制度的一般理论,结合美国和日本地方自治制度中乡镇自我管理的实际案例,对一些可以移植的具体制度做了介绍。
Relations of cooperation and constraint of Local councils and local administrations constitute the main line of the system of local self-government. 地方议会和地方行政机关的合作与制约关系构成了地方自治制度的主线。
The study of this article is the thinking of traditions and development of local self-government in UK. 本文的研究源于对英国地方自治传统和发展的思考。
Should we apply west local self-government model? 我们到底是否应该实行西方的地方自治模式?
Under his guidance, the National Government carried ten years local self-government but failed. 以蒋介石为首的国民政府,进行了十年地方自治,结果却弊病百出。
And then, system has carried out lateral comparison go into on the Western countries local self-government. 然后对西方国家地方自治制度进行了横向的比较研究。
However, the substantive practice of the local self-government has been for quite some time, mainly in grass-roots mass self-government system, regional ethnic autonomy system, the SAR system and so on. 但是,具有地方自治实质内涵的实践已经进行了相当一段时间,主要有基层群众自治制度、民族区域自治制度和特别行政区制度等。